Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mock Interview Reflection

I had my mock interview today with Angie. Before going into the interview, I was extremely nervous. I was so afraid that she was going to ask me some tough questions to which I was going to have no response. I did not want to sound like a babbling fool.

However, once I got in there, things just started to flow naturally. My main concern was that she was going to ask me questions that would pertain to experiences from prior jobs. I was worried about this because I have never actually had a "real" job - I have nannied the past two summers. Luckily, Angie paid attention to this fact, and when she would ask me questions, she would say something to the effect of "think back on past experiences in your life". This made it seem like I could talk about any type of experience that pertained to the particular question.

I feel as though I did really well in the interview. She told me that the examples that I gave were very good, and she also told me that I put a good spin on the fact that I had changed my major a few times. She said that normally, when companies find out that you have changed your major, they think of it in a negative light. However, I explained that changing my major so many times had helped me to find my true calling in life. The only thing that she said I should work on was my eye contact. She said that I occasionally looked other places when answering questions and doing so gave the impression that I was nervous.

Overall, the interview was an excellent experience. I think that it is something that has actually prepared me for the career world. This is something that I will be doing in the future, and now I have an idea as to what it will be like.

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