Thursday, March 8, 2007

Time for the Proposal ...

Oh man ... I feel like the week before Spring Break is always so packed with things that need to be done. I have 3 tests next week (all on Wednesday), and this proposal with the web site layout is also due. Ugghhhh.

Oh well. I am feeling a little bit better because our group met last night, and we have devised a plan as to how to get everything accomplished by Wednesday (eeek!) of next week. I really wish that there was some way that our proposal could be due next Friday, though. lol. That would take SO much pressure off of me ... especially since we can't really even start writing it until this weekend because we don't know for sure what's going into it until after class tomorrow morning. :(

Either way, I know that our group will be able to somehow get it all done. I think that we work well together, and we will be able to get an impressive proposal together by Wednesday ... I just wish that it could really be put together by FrIdAy instead. :0)

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