Thursday, February 15, 2007

Slightly Overwhelmed ...

After reading what all is coming up this next week in class, I am beginning to feel slightly stressed out. I get anxious pretty easily, so having so many things all seeming to be due right around the same time is extremely nerve-racking.

One of the main reasons that I am feeling overwhelmed is a result of the fact that I normally try to do things as soon as they are assigned. I like to finish things as quickly as possible. However, I am somehow behind on ALL of these upcoming assignments. :( I feel as though we are extremely behind in our group project. For some reason, I just don't even know where to start on that project. I won't go into all the details, but we are not where we should be.

As far as our first presentation goes, I feel as though I know on which topic I will speak, but I still have yet to start on it. I have been so busy with other classes - it always seems as though all of your classes start to pick up the pace at the EXACT same time. uuugggghhhh. Hopefully, I will be able to get that finished this weekend.

I am also worried about the interview. I need to fix up my resume a little and also write the cover letter. My biggest problem with the interview is that I truly do not know what kind of a job I want. I have only been majoring in Accounting for one semester, and I am doing it because I really liked the subject. I figured that I could decide exactly what I wanted to do with Accounting after I had finished a few more courses. So, as of right now, I haven't finished those courses, and as a result, am still not sure as to what I want to do. I am nervous that I will not have any good responses to the interview questions.

Anyway, needless to say, this upcoming week should be great fun. lol

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