Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Presenation Reflection

Whew ... I'm happy to say that I am now finished with my first presentation. Yay!! I always stress myself out soooo much before I have to give a presentation because I get really nervous about having to speak in front of everyone. So, not only am I now happy to have it "over with" because I was nervous about it, but I am also now happy because that means that I have completed one of the three things that I have coming up for this class. Now I'm starting to feel accomplished. haha.

I feel pretty confident that I presented my information to the class well today. The point of my speech was to persuade everyone that cruising is the best way to travel (in my opinion). I think that I did indeed entice some people to think about cruising as a vacation option, which was my goal. I think that pointing out how much you spend on food at other places made people realize what a good idea cruising really is.

I'll definitely have to put some pictures up on the blog after spring break. I can't wait! Just a month until I get to "sail away"!!

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