Sunday, April 22, 2007

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Wow! This semester has flown by! It is just about the last week of classes, which also means that it is almost the end of our big group project - that means that it's time for a reflection on how the project has gone. :) I feel like the project went very well. I really liked the fact that this project involved doing something for someone who really needed the help. In this case, we made a website for the Anderson Sunshine House. It's a great organization who is out there helping others, and we were able to pay them back a little for all the help that they give to Anderson County. I also thought that this project worked very well with our business writing class because while we created the website, we also had to write proposals, memos, letters, business emails, etc.

I feel that this class as a whole (not just the project), was a great class to take because it really did prepare me for the business world. I learned about things that I will definitely need to know in a few short years. Everything about the interviewing process is great to know such as making sure that you attach a cover letter and also remembering to send a thank-you letter afterwards. I really enjoyed this class and thought that it was worthwhile to take.

Now ... on to the Virginia Tech massacre. The whole thing was so shocking and just absolutely terrible. It is really frightening to know that that could happen anywhere. And that is the exact problem: I really don't think that there is any way to prevent something like this from happening. If someone is already planning on taking their own life, there is no way to stop them from taking others'. The only thing that I could think of to possibly prevent this would be to install weapon detectors at entrances to buildings. However, that would be extremely costly seeing as campuses are very open and that there are probably no less than five entrances to just about every building on a college campus .... Maybe that could work, though, if they started allowing you to only enter through certain doors; all of the others would be for faculty and people with keys .... Then, ofcourse, there's the possbility of the person with the keys also being the one with the gun - it's a very tricky situation.

So ... these were my thoughts ... hopefully someone in charge of this has better ideas than me. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better!