Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Introdution ... the first post EVER!

So, it's time for me to introduce myself. First things first: My name is Ashlan. I was born in Jacksonville, FL, and after having moved 8 times (one of those times being to Puerto Rico), I finally ended up at Clemson University.
I am a first semester junior, and I am majoring in Accounting. Most people think that I am cRaZy when they hear that that's my major, but I really do love it ... so far. :) I had actually never taken an Accounting class before I came to Clemson, but as soon as I took the introductory course, I knew that I had found my calling.
Outside of school, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing tennis, softball, and flag football, and going to all of the Clemson sporting events.
Let's see ... what else? My favorite music is always changing, but right now I am LOVING The Format. My favorite color is green. My favorite subject is Accounting (I also like English but hate any Science or History classes), and one of my favorite book series is Harry Potter. Haha.
Things that may be good to know about me when deciding on group members: I am a perfectionist. I am extremely organized. I like to get things finished. I am not extremely creative, but, when necessary, I am able to come up with good ideas. I am a very hard worker. I am driven, and I give everything my best.
Oh yea! I'm nice and pretty fun to be around (that's what my friends tell me, anyway...) haha.

1 comment:

Ryan Epling said...

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ashlan.