Wednesday, January 31, 2007


"Reflections on what?" you may ask. Reflections on the project so far: questions, concerns, ideas, etc. Until today's class, I was getting a little nervous about the project. I wasn't sure how it was going to work out, seeing as our client can't even come and visit us until March 2. I wasn't sure what kind of information we would need to put on the website. I wasn't exactly sure as to what we were even doing on this project.

Luckily, today's class answered a lot of my questions. I am not as worried, now, about the client coming at such a late time. Angela went and talked to them, and as a result, she was able to find out a lot of vital information. We can now begin to research because we have an idea as to what the Sunshine House is looking for. Also, after today's class, I now understand that each of the groups is going to make a website, and then Sunshine House is going to choose one of them to actually use. That was the subject of my greatest confusion because, before today, I didn't understand why we were all making a website for just one client. I had thought that maybe the class as a whole would work together to make the website: one group would do the web design, one group would make the copy, one group would talk to the Sunshine House, etc. It all makes sense now. :)

One more thing, an idea that Jocelyn brought up in our group discussion today: if the people in charge at Sunshine House don't want to put their email addresses up, why don't they just create a non-personal g-mail account or something?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

In 10 Years...

It's kind of hard for me to think about where I am going to be and what I am going to be d0ing in 10 years - it seems so far away. At the same time, though, I know that these upcoming years are going to fly past me, so it's definitely a good idea for me to be thinking about my goals.

In 10 years' time, I hope to be married with at least 3 kids, one of whom will be adopted from either Guatemala or Romania. After getting married and before having kids, though, I hope to have had some time to travel around the world with my husband. I've never been to Europe, so I would love to go there. That's only the beginning of the list of places that I want to visit, though, so hopefully we will be able to save our money and do these things. In 10 years, I want to have a beautiful home with a lot of land. The land is necessary so that the 1 or 2 dogs that we will have will be able to run around freely and also so that the kids will have places to get some of the energy out of their systems. I actually don't really care where, exactly, that beautiful home from my dreams is located; I've moved so many times that it wouldn't bother me to live in a place that is not too close to my home now. However, I wouldn't be opposed to staying somewhere on the East Coast.

Now, on to professional goals. I hope to have graduated from Clemson University in the top of my class with a major in Accounting and a minor in Financial Management and then gone on to get my CPA. In 10 years, I hope that it is not too ambitious to say that I want to be the CFO of a company. I think that with my personality and my drive for hard work and perfection, this goal is a real possibility. I want to do something with my life that matters - something that proves that all of my hard work throughout my whole educational life paid off. I want to be able to make enough money so that I can give it to churches and orphanages and to people who need the money more than I do.

In 10 years' time, I also hope to have continued to grow in my faith. This is the most important goal, for me, I believe.

Well, I hope that I am able to meet all of these goals ... and I really hope that the time doesn't literally fly past me. :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Introdution ... the first post EVER!

So, it's time for me to introduce myself. First things first: My name is Ashlan. I was born in Jacksonville, FL, and after having moved 8 times (one of those times being to Puerto Rico), I finally ended up at Clemson University.
I am a first semester junior, and I am majoring in Accounting. Most people think that I am cRaZy when they hear that that's my major, but I really do love it ... so far. :) I had actually never taken an Accounting class before I came to Clemson, but as soon as I took the introductory course, I knew that I had found my calling.
Outside of school, I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing tennis, softball, and flag football, and going to all of the Clemson sporting events.
Let's see ... what else? My favorite music is always changing, but right now I am LOVING The Format. My favorite color is green. My favorite subject is Accounting (I also like English but hate any Science or History classes), and one of my favorite book series is Harry Potter. Haha.
Things that may be good to know about me when deciding on group members: I am a perfectionist. I am extremely organized. I like to get things finished. I am not extremely creative, but, when necessary, I am able to come up with good ideas. I am a very hard worker. I am driven, and I give everything my best.
Oh yea! I'm nice and pretty fun to be around (that's what my friends tell me, anyway...) haha.